Friday, April 27, 2012

Green Zone Griefer Group - Part 1

Recently Voodoo SL began to blacklist groups in Second Life known for causing grief to others, to raise awareness of the members of these groups to people so they can avoid being caught up in the trouble caused by them.

The 'Green Zone Users' group in Second Life was the first to come to our attention due to their previous controversial campaigns against legal SL businesses and their attacks on us which have been sustained over many months.

Looking into the group

Since Greenzone's attacks on us started over a year ago we have monitored the groups activities, along with other third parties interested in security and have found their processes quite disturbing.

The groups information comes from rumour alone, very often a rumour is started in group chat, and without knowing any facts others in there jump on the bandwagon and create a hysteria.

Since the legitimate reason for its existence [Red Zone] was removed from SL, the group has become open to anyone who wishes to attack others and appear to have a crowd supporting their actions.

Unya Tigerfish is a moderator and 'voice' of the 'official' side of Green Zone ...
Unya Tigerfish: Noone has control over the individuals there.
Unya Tigerfish: The majority of the GZ group are shortlived jerks.

When people are banned from Voodoo gaming systems for repeated cheating attempts, and after being given many second chances, they will often join the Green Zone group with several alt avatars to rally up support for a new campaign of grief against us and our customers. The majority of the members of the group are no longer the privacy campaigners of the original Greenzone, but griefers and cheats who have hijacked the group for their own agenda.

How do Greenzone grief?

Greenzone have been known to use any griefing tactic that is available to them.

Individuals hand out defamatory notecards which have been hand crafted by the founder Fart Admiral in a "Fill in the blanks" style, so that anyone can defame products in a coherent and well thought out way.

Our servers have been DOS attacked, and when traced back originate from inworld objects created by individuals belonging to Green Zone Users group.

Several bots known to belong to a Green Zone member attempted to brute force their way into Voodoo Anti Bot group to troll in group chat.

The group founder Fart Admiral has created a HUD that detects perfectly legal and harmless objects in Second Life, which they decide to target and announce as Spyware creating unfounded fear in its wearer.

Personal and often crude insults are made on an almost hourly basis, lies are fabricated to create fear, and one member "Cyborg Renfold" is known to release real life addresses of their targets. This is a privacy advocacy group?

Part 2 ... to follow later

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